故事围绕着一名名叫小光的普通高中男生展开,他意外使用了一款神秘的化妆品,醒来后发现自己变成了一名肤色黝黑且魅力四射的辣妹。为了隐藏这个重大变化,他向最亲密的兄弟阿俊寻求帮助。在与阿俊共同努力下,小光化身辣妹开始了一系列爆笑又感人的校园生活,他们不仅要面对同学、老师的各种误解,还在无意间揭开了一起阴谋。随着故事的发展,小光逐渐理解并接受自己的新身份,与阿俊的友情也因此变得更加紧密。最终,小光勇敢地面对了自己的处境,意识到自我接纳与真诚沟通的重要性,并在兄弟情谊的支撑下找到了做回自己的方法。电影在轻松幽默中探讨了身份认同和友谊的深刻主题。The story revolves around a regular high school boy named Xiaoguang, who accidentally uses a mysterious cosmetic and wakes up to find himself transformed into a charismatic dark-skinned gal. To keep this major change under wraps, he seeks help from his closest buddy, Ajun. Together, they navigate a series of hilarious yet touching high school adventures, facing misunderstandings from classmates and teachers while inadvertently uncovering a conspiracy. As the story progresses, Xiaoguang gradually understands and accepts his new identity, and his friendship with Ajun deepens. Ultimately, Xiaoguang bravely confronts his situation, realizing the importance of self-acceptance and sincere communication, and with the support of brotherly bonds, he finds a way to become himself again. The film humorously explores deep themes of identity and friendship.[收起部分]